Monday, December 14, 2009

the object jewelry sale

Bespoke: The Object Jewelry Sale was held on December 9th. I think we may be jinxed as we always have snow storms forecasted on the day of the sale each year. This year the scare of a Blizzard canceled our sale after four hours of being open. The Union needed to close, so we were forced to shut down at 1:00. We did have a lot of traffic though and several people commented on the quality of the work and presentation. Those two things were the goals that I presented the students with at the beginning of the semester. Good to see that people noticed....

Thank you to everyone in the course for working so hard this semester. It's been a great time and I am so proud of you all!!

preview sale

The preview sale at the Blatz was a huge success! 

We owe Liz's parents a huge thank you for helping us rent such a wonderful space and we owe Luke's Mom for catering the event. Everyone's work looked great and All were in a dapper state. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who made the event a memorable one.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009