Wednesday, September 9, 2009

anodizing aluminum

Today we will begin anodizing and dying aluminum and then hopefully get to an introduction of using a manual lathe. I have included handouts on both topics in the content section of D2L for you to download and print out for the demonstrations. Remember I have additional info on anodizing in the content section on resists, etc for anodizing. There may be some addition information that you find interesting. It would be beneficial to add this information to your notebook. I have included information on the anodic coating of different alloys, details on the alloys themselves and the handout on anodizing and dying that I will go over in class. 
Additional references for your interest are as follows: (LaPlantz book is number 4 and it's a great book)

1. Aluminum (Volume 3): Fabrication and Finishing Kent Van Horn, Editor American Society for Metals, 1967 Library of Congress #66-16222 813 pages
2. Electroplating for the Amateur, by L. Warburton. Model & Allied Publications. Available via Argus.
3. The Surface Treatment and Finishing of Aluminum and its Alloys, Edited by S. Wernick, R. Pinner, and P.G. Sheasby. Published 1987 by ASM International, Metals Park, Ohio. 2 volumes.
4. ARTISTS ANODIZING ALUMINUM- the sulphuric acid process, by David LaPlantz. ISBN: 0-942002-03-2, apparently published by Press de LaPlantz Inc. Box 220 Bayside, CA USA 95524; It's about $20 US. There is also a book and tape for about $45. Both should be available from Rio Grande Supply. The book is extremely thorough and contains several methods of anodizing with lots of pictures and references. It is intended for small individual pieces, at home or in the studio.
5. Metal Finishing - Guidebook and Directory. Metals and Plastics Publications, Inc. One University Plaza, Hackensack, NJ 07601
6. Anodizing Aluminum, by Harold Hoffman. Available from H & H Publishing, 7174 Hoffman Road, San Angelo, Texas, USA 76905, or Centaur Forge. This book seems fairly complete, with supplier sources.
7. Anodizing Aluminum in the Amateur Workshop, Ham Radio Magazine, January 1979, pages 62-69, by David W. Hembling. Sadly, this magazine is out of business, but should be in larger libraries, or available via inter-library loan. This article lists several other references, including addresses for dye makers.
8. Passivating Aluminum Alloys, in 73 Magazine, September 1965, pages 74-80, by Robert A. Kidder.
9. Reynolds Aluminum, years ago, published "Finishes For Aluminum", now available as a reprint from Lindsay publications, P.O. Box 12 Bradley, IL 60915-0012 (Don't call, write). It covers many different finishes including anodizing.
10. Some jewelry-making suppliers deal with anodizing.
11. The magazines StrStrictlytly IC and Model Engineer allegedly have discussed this, but I don't have exact references.
12. Argus Workshop Practice Series, number 11, by J Poyner.
13. Sandoz Chemicals Corp (now apparently Clarion Corp) supplies dyes for aluminum anodizing. Their phone number is (704) 331-7000.
14. Kepro in Fenton, MO sells black aluminum anodizing dye for their aluminum anodized nameplate kit. They sell it in small quantities. The phone number is (800) 325-3878 or (314) 343-1630.
15. How to Anodize Aluminum, Popular Science February 1963, pages 144-146.

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