Thursday, October 15, 2009

desktop machining

Wednesday we covered a lot of information about desktop machining. I showed you the lathe made by Sherline and I showed you the machines made by Taig.

I promote the Taig as it is built very well and is cost effective for those people who are just starting to machine. The nice thing about these machines are their compact, yet sturdy construction. With having them mounted on a board you can take them almost anywhere. Upon graduating with my first grad degree, Jill and I had just gotten married and were living in a small studio apartment. Many times after dinner, I would often clear the kitchen table and get my mill out of the closet and work on the table - of course making sure to clean up my chips when finished!

I later purchased and put my lathe together from parts. I ordered it and still order from
Nick Carter. He has a simple yet effective website that explains a lot about the machines, contains a current price list, gives tips and info on using the machines, and has tons of pictures from current Taig users. He is a Taig dealer and has always had the best price on the machines and parts. He will match any price that you can find on the purchase of Taig tools.

Here are some links to sites dealing with the above mentioned items:
Tabletop Machining book

Taig tools

Taig users group

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